Katrina rescue mission looks specifically for Jews

A search and rescue mission has been carried out in New Orleans looking for Jews missing since Hurricane Katrina struck the area a week ago. A group of 30 Sheriff's deputies and volunteers from nearby Baton Rouge based their search on a list of 50 names compiled by a local Jewish group. They took with them guns and bullet-proof vests. Flat-bottom boats. A doctor. Ice-cold water. And a Global Positioning System, since many of the homes were submerged in water. The group successfully rescued many of the people on their list, whilst others had already been saved by others and still others refused to leave their flooded homes.
This story appeared under the heading Global News on the website of the World Jewish Congress. You can read the story here.
How can any group in the aftermath of Katrina be given such priority treatment?
How come this rescue party had so many resources allocated to it?
If anybody has anymore information about this (especially who's names were on the list) please let me know.
Tags: katrina, hurricane, new orleans
Because the Jews are blessed of God. :) But I guess I can understand why you would be mad that people were rescued. Come on were IS the love?
I'm not mad that people were rescued. What annoys me is that this group were given so many resources for such a small group of people.
If you can't see that thirty sheriffs deputies + volunteers + a doctor(who should have been at one of the doctorless staging points where there were thousands dying and needing treatment) is totally out of proportion then I have to wonder what type of glasses you are viewing the incident through. It is also of major interest why this has not been touched by the MSM.
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