Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Alternative medicine is now mainstream

According to a recent survey published by American Medical Association, four out of 10 American have used some type of alternative medicine in the past twelve months. Since 1990 visits to alternative-medicine practitioners have gone up by 50% from 1990 and exceeded visits to all primary-care physicians.

Last year, Americans spent an estimated $21.2 billion on alternative health care medicine- half of which was paid out-of-pocket. Of that- $3.8 billion was spent on herbs and botanicals- up from $2.4 billion in 1995.

That is music to the ears of all those alternative medical practioneers- manufacturers of alternative health care treatments- and the related retail industry such as health food stores.

The problem is the industry has become so large- it now poses a threat to the world's pharmaceutical industry which does take lightly any attempt to cannibalize their profits.

But the "boom" in alternative medicine may not last- primarily due to the vested corporate interests of multi-national pharmaceutical manufacturers which have an interest in treating disease- not curing it.

Read more here.


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