Blogging is a Threat to National Security
In this article about CyberStorm™ bloggers are specifically identified as a threat to National Security™. Apparently our powers to disseminate misinformation are so great that we are treated as an enemy by the Department of Homeland Security™. It's no surprise then that the US wants to retain its control over ICANNand have the right to spy on all Internet users. I haven't even touched upon the Carnivore or Echelon projects. Why would we be surprised at any of this anyway? It was stated in no uncertain terms back in September, 2000 when the Project for the New American Century released Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century in which it is plainly stated that the US needs to:
CONTROL THE NEW "INTERNATIONAL COMMONS" OF SPACE AND "CYBERSPACE,"....Look it up for yourself, it's all there in black and white at the PNAC website. A glimpse at the project participants in the 'Rebuilding...' document is an enlightening experience and should be your first stop.
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