'War on Drugs' is a war on truth
"We cannot find any medical research from any source which will support the international governmental contention that heroin harms the body or the mind of its users, Nor can we find any trace of our government or the American government or any other ever presenting or referring to any credible version of any such research. On the contrary, all of the available research agrees that, so far as harm is concerned, heroin is likely to cause some nausea and possibly severe constipation and that is all.
In South Australia the Liberal Party are proposing that police should be given the power to raid schools in the hunt for drugs without needing to obtain a warrant first. For those that think this is a great idea and that this will help to protect the kids you might want to check out this article that shows a police drug raid on a school in the US.
The general public has blindly accepted that 'illegal' drugs are bad and the 'drug war' propaganda instilled since birth only goes to prove that your government is supporting and disseminating known lies. I leave it up to the reader to work out why global lies of this magnitude are propogated by government and why the media isn't calling them on it?
I chose heroin as an example here because it is without doubt considered the worst of the worst when it comes to 'illegal' drugs and if these articles makes you question the 'war on drugs' even just a little bit then some of those government imposed scales have been removed from your eyes.
Tags: drug war, drugs, heroin, propaganda, conspiracy, politics, US
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