It’s more useful to assume that the answer is ‘no.’ Then we must ask what is Russia doing with its gas price policy demands and supply cut-off to Ukraine? The move is one part of a complex series of Russian moves in the ongoing Grand Chess Game. That game is between Washington as sole global superpower and Russia as a reconstructing nuclear power, and one with a vast resource wealth needed by its Eurasian neighbours from China to Germany and beyond. Russia, which holds far the world’s largest known reserves of natural gas, is playing its own energy card with Ukraine as the momentary field of that battle.
The Ukraine drama is clearer if we look at it in the context of a series of very quiet but dramatic moves recently by the Putin government in the realm of energy and national military preparedness.
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There is more than meets the eye here.
I suspect we'll be hearing more revealing news about the Ukraine situation in the near future. Recently, Russia has been repeatedly accusing Ukraine of tapping into their gas pipelines without authorization.
About your question, here in the states companies must file a certificate of incorporation at the department of state in the state in which it is incorporated. You might want to look there.
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