Some Christians still in the dark ages

I have blogged previously regarding such luminaries of spiritual enlightenment as Pat Roberson, the 700 Club and Force Ministries. These people and groups seem to have a very corrupted and warped interpretation of the ministry of Jesus Christ but there is one supposedly 'spiritual' group in the US that shames the aforementioned with their displays of intolerance, hatred, and disrespect. I am talking about Fred Phelps and the hate filled Westboro Baptist Church who have brought the gospel of Jesus to a new low. Not only have they picketed the funerals of murdered homosexuals such as Mathew Shepard they are now demonstrating at the funerals of US servicepersons killed in the 'War on Terror'. Apparently Phelps and his deluded followers are under the impression that the soldiers dying in Iraq are dying to protect a 'homosexual' USA. Let them know your opinion by contacting them at their '' email address by clicking here.
If you really want to see how much love these christians have then visit their other website
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