Saturday, January 21, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Ukraine Gas Dispute - Has Putin Gone Nuts?

The Ukraine drama is clearer if we look at it in the context of a series of very quiet but dramatic moves recently by the Putin government in the realm of energy and national military preparedness.
Read the rest of this article here.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
What is 'Chutzpah'?

chutz·pah: Utter nerve; effrontery: “has the chutzpah to claim a lock on God and morality” (New York Times).
In the article Supreme Court Rejects Pollard´s Plea to be Prisoner of Zion we read that Jonathan Pollard applied to be accorded Prisoner of Zion status. In the article his wife states:
"It would have stopped the torturous conditions that he has been undergoing for 20 years, and it would have led to much better chances for his release. The prison authorities in the U.S. would not dare to harass someone who has been recognized in this way by the Israeli government... It also would have helped smooth the way for diplomatic pressures in both Israel and the U.S., which would have helped secure his release."
She honestly believes that US authorities would be subservient to this recognition by Israel and that this recognition would somehow expedite the release of a traitor to the US. Jonathan Pollard seems to have quite a few politician fans in the US that just happen to have also coincidentally received pro-Israel funding. Here's a list of three of the usual suspects with their career total(up to 2004) of pro-israeli funds donated.
- Senator Arlen Specter(R-PA) $434,223
- Senator Frank Lautenberg(D-NJ) $433,806
- Senator Harry Reid $301,801
A much longer list of Pollard supporters is at
Reports have it that amongst the secret data given to Israel was a list of over one hundred US agents in the Middle East that were subsequently turned into Israeli clandestine assets (apart from those that were executed). It is also said that US secrets were traded to the Soviet Union in return for jewish emigration from the USSR to Israel.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Do you support vaccination but not abortion?

I could give you a lot of links and discussion on the issue but your best bet is just to use Google and find the data yourself. Click here for Google results that you may find somewhat surprising. Does anyone else think it's hypocritical for one particular church to say that abortion is bad but on the other hand shooting up dead babies is OK?
Abortion pieces retail at eyes and ears for $75 to brains for $999.
So don't be too amazed when people say that the "West is in dark ages".
Tags: vaccine, abortion, medicine, chickenpox, rubella
WMF Vulnerability is an Intentional Backdoor?
There have been so many vulnerabilities found in Microsoft products that when a new one is discovered it's usually 'ho hum another windows bug'. The bug of the moment is a WMF vulnerability but this one has attracted a little more attention than usual.
Mike Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation has analysed this bug and has come to the conclusion that its behaviour doesn't appear to be accidental. You can test for this vulnerability using a tool created by Gibson called Knockknock. Get Knockknock here.
Gibson discusses the vulnerabilty on Security Now. You can read a transcript of the episode by clicking here (there are audio links to the episode on the same page).
For even more about computers and trust you can read Ken Thompson's Reflections on Trusting Trust by clicking here.
Mike Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation has analysed this bug and has come to the conclusion that its behaviour doesn't appear to be accidental. You can test for this vulnerability using a tool created by Gibson called Knockknock. Get Knockknock here.
Gibson discusses the vulnerabilty on Security Now. You can read a transcript of the episode by clicking here (there are audio links to the episode on the same page).
For even more about computers and trust you can read Ken Thompson's Reflections on Trusting Trust by clicking here.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
West is in dark ages, says Iran's President

In a blistering assault, Ahmadinejad repeated the Islamic regime's position that it would press ahead with a nuclear programme despite threats by the European Union and United States to refer Iran to the UN Security Council, where it could face possible sanctions. He added that Iran was a 'civilised nation' that did not need such weapons. Iran insists its nuclear programme is a wholly peaceful attempt to generate electricity.
Read the whole article here.
Tags: Iran, Oil, Ahmadinejad